Wednesday 29 April 2009

Personal Details:

Amy Elizabeth Hilton

24 Deere Avenue
RM13 7JJ

Tel: 01708 551 883
Mob: 07790592160

Nationality: British

Personal Statement

I have been at Anglia Ruskin University for three years studying a Multimedia Computing BSc Honors Degree. After completing my A-levels at college I decided to choose this course, I am a very creative person and have great interest in all aspects the course offers.

Since studying this course I have gained new skills in design, animation, modelling, sound, video and web design as well developing skills I already have further. This course has also enabled me to gain experience using software such as Adobe Photoshop, Flash, 3D Studio Max, Director, Dreamweaver, Sound Forge, Premier Pro and Sonar.

This course has given me great confidence in working alone and also given me the opportunity to work along side others in groups. I have gained good communication skills, organisation skills and learnt to work well under pressure.

I am an enthusiastic, hard working and conscientious person who is able to adjust to new and challenging situation very well. I work well as part of a team and also on my own initiative. I possess a professional attitude and very strong interpersonal skills.

All aspects of this course have been very Beneficial for me and my future and I feel I have gained enough experience to help me progress into my chosen career.After completing the course and obtaining my degree I hope to get a career in the advertising industry or design within the magazine industry

3D Studio Max

I had no experience of 3D Studio max until the second year of university and i have learnt so much and gained so much confidence with the software.

These first set of images were for a project in which it was my role to create instruments using 3D Studio Max.

Wooden Guitar


Electric Guitar

Drum Kit

Base Guitar

The instruments were then placed with characters and animated so that the characters looked like they were playing the instruments.

This is a video of a drummer playing the drumkit in 3D studio Max where i animated it.

This is an image from a project in my second year, i used 3D studio Max to create an internal image of a room from my imagination.

This was the second part to that project which was creating and model of a building in a photograph. I chose to model this 17th century manor house.


I enjoy Photoshop and it is my favourite software to use. I have had quite a lot of experience using Photoshop and here is some of the work i have created.

I am a creative person and i really enjoyed creating the following work. i was given the theme of Light and Dark, from this i had to create a Logo, Poster, Cd Cover, Collage and sequence of events.



Sequence of Events (Solar Eclipse)

Cd Cover


All of these were created using various skills and techniques in Photoshop.


I used Flash to create images for a 2D animation Project. I created the 2D characters in Flash and then created the animation using Director. The animation was a short story to the sont My Boy Lollipop.

Sunday 26 April 2009


This is my CV (click to enlarge)